
Why the Kurds want an independent Country first of all, all historical records agree that Kurds are one of the middle east's Indigenous Nations. Kurds have their own speaking language which is called "Kurdish" and their own culture and tradition folklore. before 6 thousand years the Sumerians called their ancestors "Kur-tu" which mean "brave, mountaineer", Kurd's ancestors built many Great empires such as Gouti, Mittani, Media, Sassanid. and later on, they played important roles in the next empires and powers that appeared in the middle east such as the Islamic Khilafat, and we can mention Salahdin and his Ayyubid dynasty as an example. since the 19s century, the Kurds are rebelling to free their land and establish Kurdistan, till now they failed because they had no leaders capable of uniting them. according to the Sykes-Picot Agreement(1916), Kurdish inhabitant regions was divided between "Iran, Turkey, Syria, Iraq" in Turkey after

The Turkish presence in Kurdistan

The Turkish presence in Kurdistan The Turkish presence in Kurdistan [full-post] [info title="Sources" icon="info-circle"]  Military Bases Companies [/info]

The Real Names Of Kurdistan Cities

 The Real Names Of Kurdistan Cities

Germany is full democracy but not with the Kurdish People

Sources  Öcalan photo Banning in Germany Democrecy index design:by Hassan Rame "our website team"0

The Kurdish Language

The Kurdish Language Zimane Kurdi [youtube src="UFbUp8916_o"/]   

Mazlum Dogan

Mazlum Dogan in the beginning of the eighties, in the city of Amed "Diyarbakir" , a young Kurdish man shrieked front of the Turkish military court saying that he will never surrender to them he will never stop asking for Kurdish Rights  screaming Serhildan jiyan e Berxwedan jiyan e which means "resistance means I am alive" resistance against Turkish fascism governments  it was very hard to him to say that, because of the long hours of tortures that Turkish soldiers did to him in the prison..he almost was able to stand on his foot  he continued to say his words "Serhildan jiyan e Berxwedan jiyan " 20 times till he fall down the ground and pass out,  this man's name was Mazlum Dogan.... On 21 March 1982, the day that Kurds celebrate "Newroz" by lighting up bonfires, Mazlum set his own cell at the AMED"Diyarbakır" Prison on fire and hanged himself in order to protest against the Turkish Government. With this act, he tried to aw

Nelson Mandela's Message to the Kurds (1997)

Nelson Mandela's Message to the  Kurds (1997) " We know what it means to be oppressed in your own country. We know the pain of a mother whose child has disappeared… We know what it means when a child not be talked in a language of his or her mother  We know what it means to have your nationality and culture insulted..that is what the Turkish Government doing to the Kurds,and for this reason,today i am not your visitor i am not your guest  I am part of the Kurdish struggle. I am one of you. we know that the European Communi ty and particularly Germany use the excuse of terrorism and security to stop the peace process I want to tell them that Nelson Mandela was also called terrorist but now he is a president of south Africa I want to tell them that Robert Mugabe was called terrorist and now he is a president of dear friends of Kurdistan we hope soon that your leaders will be in your Perlman in Kurdistan and you will have your own president... its "Turkish w